The following define terms of purchase and use for Game Drift Linux.
• Game Drift Linux is used at your own risk.
• Linos Denmark cannot guarantee full hardware support.
• Linos Denmark cannot guarantee full software support (e.g. Windows games).
• The user himself/herself is responsible for reading and accepting agreements
to the software included.
• CrossOver Games support is handled by Codeweavers, the company behind
the product, not by Linos Denmark.
Rights of return
• We do not refund the price payed for Cross Over Games.
Cross Over Games is fully functional for 7 days without requiring
payment - please use this evaluation period to determine whether to
buy the software.
Game Store
• Linos Denmark does not charge for the games available through Game Store.
Most of the games can be downloaded free of charge from the developer's own
website, to which is linked.
• Linos Denmark strive to regularly update Game Store with new games, but is not
obligated to add a specific number of games within a given period of time.
• Linos Denmark reserve the right to contact customers in conjunction with relevant
product information (e.g. security updates, additions of new games etc.).